Friday, April 9, 2010

Still More Comments!

*** I am very proud about you and the books. Truly an inspiration to us all in the family and the whole country too – My Daughter.

*** Dear Brother Majid = Seeing you in your Site, I guess you have been too busy with little time for a hair cut. I just hope you are not giving up on life... It is not you and it is not in your character to give up. You are a survivor. – Omani Colleague and Friend

*** Sir – you will find a place of pride in our hearts and souls – you are “touching lives globally”! Thank you for being so honest and humble – Indian Fan.

*** You should not be surprised for lack of support and assistance to your books - It is all due to The Books Contents. Simply put, we live like ostriches with our heads in our grounds - whilst everything around us are breaking and crumbling up - but Let sleeping Dogs Lie is my New Motto... You write as a Hobby ... and one day History will take your place to see that your works are published ...not only in Arabic ... but several others too. By that time it will be too late for everyone.....Mark my words...So JUST DO NOT GIVE UP – A Very Good Friend (Personal Advisor).

*** We were really excited for your new website, it had so much potential! – Web Designer

*** Dear Majid - Wish you all the best; I know you can make it. Take care and regards to all - ex Lady Work Peer.

*** We as Arabs in The GCC cannot expect any 'mercies' from The Expatriates Mafia Lot especially – and thus the theme of your books. But how many want to know the real truth? They prefer to push the dirt just under the carpet!

But the youth even in GCC are aware and knowledgeable, and even if you wanted, you cannot stop what has already started now.. But I do not blame them – I blame our own who put such Expatriates and the Weak of our own as Decision Makers amongst our midst. The cinder fires are burning underneath - and they will surface up one day.

The Losers will be everybody!

The Truth is coming out ... and this boat of yours is already out to sail. If it was of a lesser subject like Butterflies of Oman or GCC - it will be supported - especially if The Author is Non GCC!!

I am sorry to be frank and open to you ... but only REAL and TRUE friends can stand up and tell you THE TRUTH ... before we all lose... and a good thing has gone to waste... Please Do Not Give Up – May God Be With You Amin - Another Very Good Friend!

Salam Aleikoom Majid - Please accept my sympathy, I know how you feel, I went through, some of the same emotional feelings, as you know we still have discrimination in our society, among ourselves, even though our great religion teachings, ask us to treat each other fairly equal, but as you know the teaching of Islam is something great and our practice of Islam is something else!!

My advice to you, is to be cool, and always pray to ALLAH, and ask ALLAH for help, not the people, that what I do, after that, ask people to help, also

Also do not give up, try…. Try…. Try… ALLAH will send you Rizek… Amin - And from Him only! - ALLAH Bless you and your beloved family – A Very Good New Found Friend!

*** Dear Brother Majid - I am delighted to see that you are writing your sixth book – A Novel this time! See – I told you! I know you as Majid who does not give up! That is a Great Relief! Keep up the spirits and Do Not Be Discouraged in Life!
- Omani Colleague and Very Good Friend

*** Dear M – I would like to buy your latest book with your signature – Please let me know where and when – Indian Fan.

*** ..... is my name and definitely Mr. M – you will find place of pride in our hearts and souls. You are ‘touching lives globally’. Thank you for being honest and humble Yes Sir – I am the same xyz in Mathematical equation. You have an elephant’s memory – Masha Allah (God Bless). Weaving a web of Magic by your command of language. Blessed to be in Oman – Indian Fan.

My friend you are wasting your life here. Move over to UK USA or even Australia! So long as you write in English and with your background, nobody will bother or care about you …. You will die broke and poor … and not only they will not buy your books, nobody is going to appreciate your contribution to society and country in especially human resources, management, education and knowledge etc.
Also people do not want the Truth to be told. A Good Friend.

A’Salam A’laikum !!

It was nice to go through your column and could well appreciate and empathise with you – more so from an HR perspective, being from the same fraternity.

You hit the nail on the head, as it is a question of "perception, attitude and approach" that matters and influences these situations.

No human resource can be written off or reject merely on the basis of mental models or hearsays. It is the role of HR to be the catalyst in the organisations and to build confidence on both sides of the table (managers and subordinates), to build capabilities in Omani and expats, bring in development and change in the mindset of expat managers.

Some "professionals" in their zeal to achieve and over achieve, would differ to carry on with anyone who (irrespective of nationality) is unable to cope up or does not come from a similar fast paced, dexterous back-ground, but the true professional leader shows his leadership to make this ordinary team member do extra-ordinary things....

Yes, HR has a tough task to change the mind set of such Managers,
but there are ways and means of bringing such manager around.

It depends upon what role or business space is HR allowed to operate in, within the organisation. If not allowed, HR has to slowly create that value by its actions, deeds and support to business and its people. Experience shows that when Omanis talent is properly highlighted and shown as really good talent for business, such managers are put in their places...

It is a change which has to be led by HR in all organisations...
Best Regards - Indian Friend

This post was mentioned on Twitter by Thomas Turnbull,

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